What is Body Hair Transplant for Baldness?
Hair restoration is usually performed by transferring hair from the back of the patient’s head to the balding area. The donor area on the back of the head is often referred to as the “safe zone” because this is the region of the scalp that is most resistant to hair loss. Therefore, it is a… Read More »
FUE or FUT hair transplant through strip technique – which one is for me?
Often times we at US Hair Restoration receive questions about the difference between the FUT Strip Method and the FUE procedure. Some will make claims that one option is superior, while the other is inferior. Both hair transplant techniques are done in US Hair Restoration and have their own adavntages and disadvantages. Here is a… Read More »
Hair Cloning – Hair Multiplication
Q: Is Hair cloning or multiplication being done anywhere yet? A: Hair cloning or multiplication has been in the news in the last few years. I prefer to use the term hair multiplication, rather than cloning because cloning refers to production of genetically identical organisms. Dolly the most celebrated sheep was the product of first… Read More »