An unhealthy diet can lead to weight gain and other health issues such as high blood pressure. One additional side effect of a poor diet that is not discussed as often is hair loss. The loss of hair can impact both men and women and can lead to self-esteem issues and a lack of confidence when it comes to the appearance of the person suffering from hair loss.
Poor Diet and Other Reasons for Hair Loss
When it comes to hair loss, there are multiple factors that can lead to hair loss in both men and women:
- Genetics can play a big part in hair loss for both sexes
- Thyroid abnormalities
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Traction alopecia that is the result of a tight hairstyle worn for a long period of time
- Stress
It is important to pay attention to any, or all, of the above conditions and to seek medical attention that can help modify their impact on a person. Addressing the reasons listed above can help improve the thickness and overall volume and quality of the hair.
As mentioned at the start of this article, poor diet choices can cause hair loss for men and women. One of the reasons a poor diet can cause hair loss is the fact that the hair might not be getting the necessary nutrition that it needs to grow and maintain its thickness. For many patients, some simple changes in their overall diet can have a big impact on the look and health of their hair. While it is not the case for every person suffering from hair loss caused by a poor diet, addressing the deficiencies in the diet can make the hair loss stop or reverse. Some of the healthy items that should be included in a daily diet for healthy hair include biotin, iron, zinc, magnesium and vitamins such as vitamins A, B, C and E.
Essential Nutrients that Prevent Hair Loss from a Poor Diet
In order to give the hair the opportunity to grow and enjoy a long and healthy life, there are some essential nutrients that need to be included in a daily diet for the overall good health of the patient.
For example, omega-3 fatty acids nourish the hair and help it grow on a consistent basis. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids add a silky shine and look to the hair. Some examples of food with good amounts of omega-3 fatty acid include salmon, chia seeds, soybeans, walnuts and flaxseeds.
Vitamins B and D are also essential nutrients that can help the hair remain healthy. Vitamin B helps to create red blood cells which work to carry nutrients and oxygen to scalp and hair follicles. Bananas and potatoes contain B6 while meat and dairy products have B12. On the other hand, vitamin D helps to keep parts of the body healthy such as the hair, skin and bones. There have been some studies that have linked a deficiency of vitamin D to hair loss so patients should make sure vitamin D is in their diet through foods such as fatty fish, egg yolks and liver as well as glasses of milk.
Folic acid that is found in tomatoes and citrus fruits also work to keep the hair thick and healthy.
Other nutrients that should be included in a healthy diet include iron, proteins and trace minerals. Protein is especially important as the hair won’t thrive and remain healthy without proteins such as meat, chicken, eggs and fish as well as proteins from plants, nuts, grains, beans, dark leafy greens, potatoes and lentils. Iron can be found in many cereals and breads. Trace minerals include nutrients such as copper, iron, zinc, iodine, chromium, manganese and selenium. Many of these trace minerals can be included in a healthy diet by taking a daily multivitamin that benefits the hair of a patient as well as the overall health of the body.
Hair Transplant Can Help Reverse the Effects of a Poor Diet
If a poor diet leads to hair loss, the effects of the hair loss might be too far gone for a patient to reverse the thinning hair by changing their diet. These patients still have a good option to restore their hair which is undergoing a hair transplant performed by a board-certified surgeon.
The doctor will examine the hair of the patient to determine the extent of the hair loss as well as the cause of the hair loss. If the hair loss is the result of a poor diet, the doctor might be able to help the person address the issue through a healthy and balanced diet. If the hair loss cannot be reversed by eating a healthy diet, the doctor can walk the patient through the hair transplant process to give the patient a better idea about the changes that can be made through surgical hair restoration.
Hair loss from a poor diet does not mean that the hair loss has to be permanent. Scheduling a consultation appointment with a board-certified doctor can begin the process of restoring the hair to its healthy appearance.