
US Hair Restoration Blog

November 16, 2009

Gene Therapy for Hair Loss

Over the last few decades, different therapies which effect wound repair have been proposed. The connection between wound healing and hair growth was already proposed by Dr. Catsarelis at the University of Pennsylvania through the WNT pathway (some molecular process that controls would healing and hair growth). Now, we review the emerging fields of gene and stem cell therapy in hair… Read More »

November 15, 2009

Medical Hair Restoration – Effective or Not

The effectiveness of medical hair restoration alone with hair restoration medical options that are currently available such as finasteride or Rogaine has always been questioned.  Medical hair restoration without the surgical option (hair transplant), might work for some people, but should not be recommended to all as a cure-all solution, as you may find in… Read More »

November 12, 2009

Saw Palmetto for Hair Loss

What is Saw Palmetto? Saw Palmetto is an extract of the fruit of Serenoa Repens. It is rich in fatty acids and phytosterols. It has been used in alternative medicine for a variety of indications, most notably benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Indications: Prostate treatment Saw Palmetto has also been used in treatment of benign prostatic… Read More »

November 8, 2009

Eyebrow Enhancer Product – Talika

  Q: I have used Talika to restore my eyebrows with not much help.  What do you recommend for eyebrow hair restoration? A: Talika and many other agents which increase hair volume can be found in the market as cosmetic products. They do not necessarily enhance the density or the thickness of hair shafts permanently. … Read More »

May 7, 2008

Thinning Hair with Reddish Scalp Tone

Q: hi, why do men with thinning hair seem to have a reddish color to their scalp and men with thick a thick head of hair seem to have a whiteish color to their scalps……i find it a condition that exists in alot of cases several of the men i observed wear caps when they… Read More »

May 2, 2008

Gastric Bypass Surgery and Hair Loss

Q: I underwent a gastric bypass surgery about 2.5 years ago and since a few months after surgery my hair has been thinning. What do I need to do to prevent further loss? A: Losing hair or changing the quality and color of hair after gastric bypass surgery is commonly seen within the first few… Read More »

May 1, 2008

Estrogen and Hair Loss in Men

Q: I have heard high estrogen in males can contribute to hair loss. Is that true? I am a 40 year old man with low sex drive and female patterned hair loss. A: High levels of estrogen in men could be seen in many other conditions such as estrogen-producing tumors, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, chronic alcoholism… Read More »

April 28, 2008

Diabetes and Hair Transplant Surgery

Q: I have diabetes. Can I have a hair transplant procedure? A: Patients with diabetes can successfully have a hair transplant surgery if diabetes is under good control. Diabetes used to be a life limiting disorder and diabetic patients could not have many elective surgical procedures due to their increased risk of wound complications and… Read More »

April 27, 2008

Hair Cloning – Hair Multiplication

Q: Is Hair cloning or multiplication being done anywhere yet? A: Hair cloning or multiplication has been in the news in the last few years. I prefer to use the term hair multiplication, rather than cloning because cloning refers to production of genetically identical organisms. Dolly the most celebrated sheep was the product of first… Read More »

April 25, 2008

Common Causes of Hair loss In Children

Alopecia areata Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition and causes patchy hair loss in any area in body. The bald areas of the skin usually look normal with no gross evidence of irritation or inflammation. A genetic association could be found in some cases and it could also be linked to other autoimmune disorders. Alopecia… Read More »